MINYAN at Berlin Biennale


Feb 21, 2020 Eric Steel’s Minyan with score by Krakauer & Tagg at the Berlin Biennale. There will be 6 showings of Minyan at the 2020 Berlin Biennale. Premiere on Saturday, Feb 22nd at 3.30pm. DETAILS HERE

15 Must-See Films at the 2020 Berlin International Film Festival
”There are a lot of moving parts in “Minyan,” glued together by a hauntingly frenetic klezmer score, but it ensures the film never courts cliche.”
'Minyan': Film Review | Berlin 2020 (Hollywood Reporter)
”He also benefits from strong collaborations with composers David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg, whose score brings rich cultural specificity, and with accomplished cinematographer Ole Bratt Birkeland (Judy), who shoots the film in wintry tones that in retrospect feel almost like black and white.”

Kathy Tagg